Wow, I have a blog?

Almost three years have passed since I last updated this blog, a long time!
What happened in the meantime? Well, I have been working a bit in the domain of aesthetics and thought a little bit about Egon Brunswik’s probabilistic functionalism among other things.

Tomorrow, I am leaving for Vienna to get some feedback with regards to an R-package.

Well, feedback from friends with regard to this blog was more like “I don’t understand a word!” or “Can’t you just post pictures???”.

Ok. Photography got neglected by me for quite some time, but here are some more recent shots I like.

This is a shot of Marzahn. Now, everyone seems to have an opinion about Marzahn. If you get a chance, try it out by yourself.

This is Stefan, a good friend. He is a sysadmin. Apart from that, he has a good eye for forms and loves taking high-contrast black and white macro shots of plants on film.

The botanical garden of Berlin is a good place if you are interested in plants. Sometimes it makes me feel like being in a space station.

And this is me in front of a painting by Hieronymus Bosch taken by Lem.

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